Importance of Guidelines related to the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations (Japan)

This month, we will take up the topic on the page of “Guidelines related to the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations” (the Consumer Affairs Agency) for business operators handling foods to check it again. I hope this will be good opportunity to remind people of the importance of “Misleading representations” under the Act… more »

Comments invitation on partial revision draft of Food Labeling Standards started ~Addition of walnuts to the list of Specified allergens (mandatory labeling items for allergens) and Addition of rapeseed producing EPA/DHA to the list of specified genetically modified agricultural products~(Japan)

On October 13, 2022, the Consumer Affairs Agency announced the start of invitation for public comment on the “Partial Revision of Food Labeling Standards.” The public comment was closed on November 12. Summary of the revision According to the public comment procedure, the outline of the revision draft is as follows. Revision of mandatory allergen… more »

Japanese Agricultural Standards (JAS) for “Processed Food Suitable for Vegetarians or Vegans” established (JAPAN)

On September 6, 2022, the Japanese Agricultural Standards (JAS) for processed foods suitable for vegetarians or vegans was established. It was added to the JAS list on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the same day, and we would like to summarize the outline and key points for labeling below.… more »

Revision of the National Food Safety Standards for Beverages and Cheese in China

On July 28, 2022, National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China (NHC) and State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) announced 36 New National Food Safety Standards and 3 Amendments. This time, we will focus on “beverages” and “cheese” among the newly established national food safety standards, and compare them with the current standards.This… more »

Inviting comments started about the partial revision(draft) “Matters to be Noted relating to Health Foods under the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations and the Health Promotion Act” (Japan)

On August 9, 2022, the Consumer Affairs Agency(CAA) prepared and announced a partial revision (draft) of “Matters to be Noted relating to Health Foods under the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations and the Health Promotion Act”. From the same day until September 7, comments were invited through public comments. The purpose of the… more »

Regarding the partial revision of “Labeling standard for manufacturing method and quality for Sake” (Japan)

On July 19, 2022, the National Tax Agency issued a notice “Partial revision of the statutory interpretation on Liquor Tax Act and acts /regulations, etc. related to liquor administration (the notice on statutory interpretation). Labeling standard for manufacturing method and quality for Sake (National Tax Agency Notification No. 8 of 1989) was enacted in November… more »

Educational leaflets and posters “the guideline of additive labeling for use of ‘non-use'” released (Japan)

In June, the Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA) has released educational leaflets and posters on “the guideline of additive labeling for use of ‘non-use’”on its website. In addition, “illustrations of 10 type items” are also posted on the website and I would like to focus on these in this column. The leaflets and posters were published… more »

The move from recommended to mandatory allergen labeling for “walnuts” (Part 2) (Japan) ~Report on the national fact-finding survey of health damage caused by immediate-type food allergy in 2021~

At the 67th Consumer Commission Food Labeling Section Meeting held on June 6, 2022, the prospect of the mandatory allergen labeling of “walnuts” was announced. I would also like to take up the “Report on the national fact-finding survey of health damage caused by immediate-type food allergy in 2021”, which was the background of the… more »