Category: Functional Labeling

“Future Measures Regarding FFC Labeling System in response to the Case* Involving “Beni Koji” Supplements” (Japan)

On May 27, 2024, the Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA) released the “Report of Discussion on Foods with Functional Claims (FFC)(Japanese). Subsequently, on May 31, Future Measures Regarding FFC Labeling System in response to the Incident Involving Red Koji Supplements(Japanese). was published as the materials for the Ministerial Meeting on Measures Regarding Red Koji-Related Products(Japanese). *… more »

Guidelines for Notification of Foods with Function Claims partially revised (Japan)

On September 29, 2023, the Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA) announced the partial revision of the Guidelines for Notification of Foods with Function Claims (FFC) ([For food-related business operators] About notification of FFC). As outlined in the partial revision draft for Guidelines for Notification of FFC (Summary), the major points of the revision are compliance with… more »

Request for re-verification of notified documents for Foods with Function Claims issued (Japan)

On July 3, 2023, the Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA) requested in writing that relevant organizations re-verify the scientific evidence for Foods with Function Claims (FFC), and the reverification request has already been notified to and made public by CAA (Re-Verification of Notification Documents Concerning FFC (Request)). Furthermore, CAA published the Measures for FFC based on the… more »

Inviting comments started about the partial revision(draft) “Matters to be Noted relating to Health Foods under the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations and the Health Promotion Act” (Japan)

On August 9, 2022, the Consumer Affairs Agency(CAA) prepared and announced a partial revision (draft) of “Matters to be Noted relating to Health Foods under the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations and the Health Promotion Act”. From the same day until September 7, comments were invited through public comments. The purpose of the… more »