Here are the information we have contributed to magazines and websites.
October/2022 Magazine: "Wellness Monthly Report"
40th issue
Revision Status of Food Labeling Regulations Practical Points of "Food Labeling" in the Future
We have written an article on the revision status of food labeling regulations and future food labeling practices in "Wellness Monthly Report".
It’s only a few months left until the end of the transitional measures period for the new labeling system for countries of origin of ingredients. Many of you may be in the process of switching labels, especially for processed foods with relatively short ‘best before date’. In addition to paying attention to the changes in the labeling of countries of origin of ingredients, it is also helpful to review the status of revisions to food labeling in general to prevent labeling errors, so we have summarized them here.
February/2020 Monthly Magazine: "HACCP"
Current status of allergen labeling and points to keep in mind
Allergen labeling is generally recognized as the most important labeling item in food labeling by both those in charge of food labeling and those who are not. With the deadline for transition to the new standard approaching, we take this opportunity to summarize the current situation and points to keep in mind with the aim of preventing mistakes in allergen labeling.
February/2018 Magazine: "food processing and ingredients"
Important Points of Food Labeling Practices to Prevent Labeling Errors -Overseas exports and food labeling-
We have written a series of articles on food labeling practices in "food processing and ingredients".
The theme of the 12th (final) issue is "Export to overseas and Food Labeling".
1. Relationship between ingredients and labeling
2. To know the difference between Japanese and overseas standards
3. Issues when researching overseas regulations
4. Practical points
We provided a summary of the key points of the above.
Informa Markets Japan Co., Ltd. (the previous UBM Japan Co Ltd.)
January/2018 Magazine: "food processing and ingredients"
Important Points of Food Labeling Practices to Prevent Labeling Errors -Labeling of special ingredients-
We have written a series of articles on food labeling practices in "food processing and ingredients".
The theme of the 11th issue is "Labeling of special ingredients".
1. What are special ingredients?
2. About judgment of applicability
3. About labeling methods
4. Points to note when labeling
5. Relationship with the labeling for countries of origin of ingredients.
Informa Markets Japan Co., Ltd. (the previous UBM Japan Co Ltd.)
November/2017 Magazine: "food processing and ingredients"
Important Points of Food Labeling Practices to Prevent Labeling Errors -Prohibited labeling items and False and misleading labeling
We have written a series of articles on food labeling practices in "food processing and ingredients".
The theme of the 10th issue is "Prohibited labeling items and False and misleading labeling".
1. "Prohibited Labeling" in the Food Labeling Standards
2. "Prohibition of misleading labeling" under the Fair Competition Code
3. "Misleading Representations" under the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations
4. Regulations on Advertising Content That Has Not Been Demonstrated and Rational grounds
We provided a summary of the key points of the above.
Informa Markets Japan Co., Ltd. (the previous UBM Japan Co Ltd.)
October/2017 Magazine: "food processing and ingredients"
Important Points of Food Labeling Practices to Prevent Labeling Errors -Nutrition facts and label claims-
We have written a series of articles on food labeling practices in "food processing and ingredients".
The theme of the 10th issue is " Nutrition facts and label claims".
1. Points easy to make a mistake and hard to notice
2. Points to note on mandatory labeling and at the time of transition to new standards
3. Changes in the standard values for the labeling of nutrients and the new standards
4. Relative labeling and 'not added' labeling
5. Claims and estimated values
Informa Markets Japan Co., Ltd. (the previous UBM Japan Co Ltd.)
September/2017 Magazine: "food processing and ingredients"
Important Points of Food Labeling Practices to Prevent Labeling Errors -Manufacturer, processor, importer, seller and Nutrition facts and Manufacturer Identification Codes-
We have written a series of articles on food labeling practices in "food processing and ingredients".
The theme of the 8th issue is " Manufacturer, processor, importer, seller and Nutrition facts and Manufacturer Identification Codes-".
1. Two different objectives
2. Diversity of food-related business operators
3. Definitions of manufacturing and processing, and manufacturer and processor
4. Concept of location and name of business operators
5. About Manufacturer Identification Codes
Informa Markets Japan Co., Ltd. (the previous UBM Japan Co Ltd.)
August/2017 Magazine: "food processing and ingredients"
Important Points of Food Labeling Practices to Prevent Labeling Errors -Labeling of net weight, used-by/best-before date, and storage method-
We have written a series of articles on food labeling practices in "food processing and ingredients".
The theme of the 7th issue is "Labeling of net weight, used-by/best-before date, and storage method".
1. About net weight
(1) "specified physical phenomena quantity (specified unit to represent the corresponding specified item: weight, volume or dimension)", (2) "Quantity tolerance", (3) "Name" and "Primary display panel", (4) "Products of different sizes".
2. About used by/best before date
(1) "Year and month" labeling and "End of month", (2) Indication together with "Lot number", etc., (3) Indicating "outside" of labeling frame, (4) "Imported goods" and "Printing".
3. About storage Method
(1) "Precautions for use", (2) Storage conditions at "distribution stage"
Informa Markets Japan Co., Ltd. (the previous UBM Japan Co Ltd.)
July/2017 Magazine: "food processing and ingredients"
Important Points of Food Labeling Practices to Prevent Labeling Errors -Labeling of countries of origin of ingredients and GMO-
We have written a series of articles on food labeling practices in "food processing and ingredients".
The theme of the 6th issue is " Labeling of countries of origin of ingredients and GMO".
1. Labeling that requires attention to Representations Which Misleadingly Give Significantly Superior
2.Subject to label for countries of origin of ingredients
3.Claims for countries of origin of ingredients
4.Subject to label for GMO
5.Labeling method and claims for GMO
6. Check consistency between labeling and content periodically
Informa Markets Japan Co., Ltd. (the previous UBM Japan Co Ltd.)
June/2017 Magazine: "food processing and ingredients"
Important Points of Food Labeling Practices to Prevent Labeling Errors -Labeling of allergens-
We have written a series of articles on food labeling practices in "food processing and ingredients".
The theme of the 5th issue is " Important Points of Food Labeling Practices to Prevent Labeling Errors -Labeling of allergens-".
1. Is it safe to eat?
2. Understanding the system and its background
3. Points to keep in mind when transitioning to the new standards
4. Labeling method and consistency issues
5. Minuscule amount of content and labeling standards
6. Other points to note
Informa Markets Japan Co., Ltd. (the previous UBM Japan Co Ltd.)
May/2017 Magazine: "food processing and ingredients"
Important Points of Food Labeling Practices to Prevent Labeling Errors -Labeling and standards for use of food additives-
We have written a series of articles on food labeling practices in "food processing and ingredients".
The theme of the 4th issue is "Labeling and standards for use of food additives".
1. To know the "substance name" (i.e."full name of additive") before knowing the labeling rules
2. Additive labeling under the new standards
3. Issues when creating labels
4. Points that need special attention (Specified allergens (mandatory labeling items for allergens in Japan), claims, standards of use) - Pay attention to what information is necessary
Informa Markets Japan Co., Ltd. (the previous UBM Japan Co Ltd.)
April/2017 Magazine: "food processing and ingredients"
Important Points of Food Labeling Practices to Prevent Labeling Errors -Ingredients list and specifications-
We have written a series of articles on food labeling practices in "food processing and ingredients".
The theme of the 3rd issue is "Ingredients list and specifications".
1. What is ingredient name?
2. What are ingredient specifications?
3. To confirm what information is required
4. Confirmation of ingredient specifications
5. About confidentiality
6. Revision Control
Informa Markets Japan Co., Ltd. (the previous UBM Japan Co Ltd.)
March/2017 Magazine: "food processing and ingredients"
Important Points of Food Labeling Practices to Prevent Labeling Errors -Legal names and Food Labeling Standards-
We have written a series of articles on food labeling practices in "food processing and ingredients".
The theme of the 2nd issue is " Legal names and Food Labeling Standards".
-List of "Legal name" with restrictions on use "Food Labeling Standards Appended Table 5"
-List of foods with individually defined prohibited labeling items "Food Labeling Standards Appended Table 22"
-List of individual food definitions "Food Labeling Standards Appended Table 3"
-Legal names and the Fair Competition Code
-Other regulations
Informa Markets Japan Co., Ltd. (the previous UBM Japan Co Ltd.)
February/2017 Magazine: "FOODS CHANNEL" Food labeling column
Expansion of target items for countries of origin of ingredients labeling on processed foods
-What items are targeted for mandatory labeling? What are 4 exception items?
We started to write a series of columns on food labeling in " FOODS CHANNEL".
The first series of articles is about "Expansion of target items for countries of origin of ingredients labeling on processed foods-What items are targeted for mandatory labeling? What are 4 exception items?". The article includes an explanation of the revision draft of labeling, a review of the current system of place of origin labeling, and what businesses should do about it.
February/2017 Magazine: "food processing and ingredients"
Important Points of Food Labeling Practices to Prevent Labeling Errors -From checking of ingredient specifications to food labeling development and checking of designs on packages
We started to write a series of articles on food labeling practices in "food processing and ingredients".
The theme of the 1st issue is " Points to Prevent Labeling Errors".
-To know the "consequences" of mislabeling
-To understand the "causes" of mislabeling
-To grasp the overall picture of operations related to food labeling
Informa Markets Japan Co., Ltd. (the previous UBM Japan Co Ltd.)
April/2016 Magazine: "S & L (Seals & Labels)"
About labeling of contact information regarding manufacturer
In the food labeling column in "S & L (Seals & Labels)" we have written a series of articles on "one point advice on food labeling". Under new Food Labeling Standards, Manufacturer Identification Codes have come to be able to be used only "when the same product is manufactured at two or more manufacturing sites, in principle". This column summarizes inquiries regarding the place of manufacture in such cases.
February/2016 Website: "NetShop Tantousha Forum" (En: Internet store forum for persons in charge)
Allergen labeling -Importance of checking of what are contained as well as what need to be labeled
In "NetShop Tantousha Forum" we have written a series of articles on "Food Labeling Course for Beginners in Food EC".
Allergen labeling is a very important part of food labeling. In this article, we explain the points to keep in mind when creating allergen labels in mail-order catalogs and EC sites, as well as for those who are actually in charge of creating food labels.January/2016 Magazine: "S & L (Seals & Labels)"
New Food Labeling Standards and label claims of various types
In the food labeling column in "S & L (Seals & Labels)" we have written a series of articles on "One Point Advice on Food Labeling".
The theme of this issue is claim labeling. This is a theme often seen in columns for general consumers, but we have chosen it this time because there is some confusion in the field of manufacturing due to the change of labeling.January/2016 Website: "NetShop Tantousha Forum" (En: Internet store forum for persons in charge)
Arrangement of information is the basis for ingredients labeling
In "NetShop Tantousha Forum" we have written a series of articles on "Food Labeling Course for Beginners in Food EC".
In this article, we focus on what is perhaps the most difficult task in creating food labels: the names of ingredients. With the enforcement of the Food Labeling Standards, it is now a general rule that ingredients and additives should be listed separately in the "Ingredient Name" column. This is an important management point in many cases in practice, so we explain it here.November/2015 Website: "NetShop Tantousha Forum" (En: Internet store forum for persons in charge)
Reason why "Legal names" count on food labeling
In "NetShop Tantousha Forum" we have written a series of articles on "Food Labeling Course for Beginners in Food EC".
Just six months have passed since the new Food Labeling Standards went into effect on April 1, 2015. In this article, we explain the most important and basic point of the new standards: how to indicate "Legal name".October/2015 Magazine: "S & L (Seals & Labels)"
New Nutrition facts labeling
We are writing a series of articles on "One Point Advice on Food Labeling".
New Food Labeling Standards went into effect on April 1, 2015.
July/2015 Magazine: "S & L (Seals & Labels)"
Try to find what's new about Food Labeling Standards on food labels
In the food labeling column in "S & L (Seals & Labels)"
We are writing a series of articles on "One Point Advice on Food Labeling".
April/2015 Magazine: "S & L (Seals & Labels)"
Food labels we see in everyday life from the view point of food labeling staff
In the food labeling column in "S & L (Seals & Labels)"
We have written a series of articles on "One Point Advice on Food Labeling".
January/2015 Magazine: "S & L (Seals & Labels)"
Risk classification of food labeling from a package design perspective
In the food labeling column in "S & L (Seals & Labels)"
We have written a series of articles on "One Point Advice on Food Labeling".
October/2014 Magazine: "S & L (Seals & Labels)"
What the appropriate food labeling is all about from a package design perspective
In the food labeling column in "S & L (Seals & Labels)"
We have written a series of articles on "One Point Advice on Food Labeling".
The first article of the series explains "What is appropriate food labeling content from the perspective of package design?" with specific examples.
December/2012 Website: "Specification Times"
Food labeling column
Summary of Discussion about unification of food labeling
This article is serialized in the Food Labeling Column of "Specification Times".
"Unification of Food Labeling Discussion Group: Summary: (1) Purpose of the New System"
"Unification of Food Labeling Discussion Group: (2) Priority Order of Labeling Items and Expression Methods"
"Unification of Food Labeling Discussion Group: (3) Latest Trends and Future Food Labeling"
*"Specifications Times" was moved to the "FOODS CHANNEL" website in 2014. All links above have been changed to links to "FOODS CHANNEL".
Info Mart Corporation
August/2012 Website: "Specification Times"
Food labeling column
Debate over labeling of countries of origin of ingredients
We have written a series of articles in "Specification Times".
"Discussion on the Labeling of Countries of Origin of Ingredients (Part 1)"
"Discussions on the Labeling of Countries of Origin of Ingredients(Part 2)"
*"Specifications Times" was moved to the "FOODS CHANNEL" website in 2014. All links above have been changed to links to "FOODS CHANNEL".
Info Mart Corporation
June-July/2012 Website: "Specification Times"
Food labeling column
Future prospects for mandatory nutrition facts labeling
We have written a series of articles in "Specification Times".
Part 6: "What Will Happen? Mandatory Labeling of Nutrition Facts (Part 1)"
Part 7: "What Will Happen? Mandatory Labeling of Nutrition Facts (Part 2)"
*"Specifications Times" was moved to the "FOODS CHANNEL" website in 2014. All links above have been changed to links to "FOODS CHANNEL".
Info Mart Corporation
May/2012 Website: "Specification Times"
Food labeling column
Model project for functional evaluation of food products - Consideration on health function claims
We have written a series of articles in "Specification Times".
In this 5th article of the series, We have written on "Food Functionality Evaluation Model Project: Considering Claims of Health Functions".
*"Specifications Times" was moved to the "FOODS CHANNEL" website in 2014. All links above have been changed to links to "FOODS CHANNEL".
Info Mart Corporation
January-April/2012 Website: "Specification Times"
Food labeling column
How food labeling should be - what are questioned in unification of food labeling system
We have started a series of articles on food labeling in "Specification Times".
Part 1: "The Ideal State of Food Labeling to be Questioned in the Unification of the Food Labeling System"
Part 2: "Matters to be considered"
Part 3: "How Information Labeling of Food Products Should be Conducted, Part 1
Part 4: "How Information Labeling of Food Products Should be Conducted, Part 2
*"Specifications Times" was moved to the "FOODS CHANNEL" website in 2014. All links above have been changed to links to "FOODS CHANNEL".
Info Mart Corporation
August/2010 Magazine: "FOOD + ONE"
One Point Lesson on Food Labeling

September/2010 Magazine: "FOOD + ONE" One Point Lesson on Food Labeling
One Point Lesson on Food Labeling
-Points to note for creating labels for imported food products in Japanese.
May/2010 Magazine: "FOOD + ONE"
One Point Lesson on Food Labeling

May/20010 Magazine: "FOOD + ONE"
In one point lesson of food labeling we explain grounds that are likely to be required for labeling Foods with Function Claims.NIPPO CO., LTD.
January/2010 Magazine: "FOOD + ONE"
One Point Lesson on Food Labeling
What is often overlooked in allergen labeling

January Special issue/2010 Magazine: "FOOD + ONE"
In one point lesson of food labeling we explain points that tend to be overlooked in allergen labeling.NIPPO CO., LTD.
September/2009 Magazine: "FOOD + ONE"
One Point Lesson on Food Labeling

September/2009 Magazine: "FOOD + ONE"
We explain one point lesson on Food Labeling- Points to note about functional foods through industry-academia-government collaboration.NIPPO CO., LTD.
April/2009 Magazine: "FOOD + ONE"
One Point Lesson on Food Labeling

May/2009 Magazine: "FOOD + ONE"
We have written an article on checkpoints that can be obtained from superficial information such as collective labeling printed on packages, etc., and specifications submitted by manufacturers.NIPPO CO., LTD.