Request for re-verification of notified documents for Foods with Function Claims issued (Japan)

On July 3, 2023, the Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA) requested in writing that relevant organizations re-verify the scientific evidence for Foods with Function Claims (FFC), and the reverification request has already been notified to and made public by CAA (Re-Verification of Notification Documents Concerning FFC (Request)). Furthermore, CAA published the Measures for FFC based on the… more »

Recent Trends in Food Labeling Standards in U.S.A., Australia, and Canada

The following is a summary of the trends in the food labeling standards of the United States, Australia, and Canada. U.S.A. Update On May 16, 2023, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a draft Compliance Policy Guide regarding major food allergen labeling and cross-contact. Overview The draft specifies FDA’s enforcement policy for managing cross-contact… more »

Recent Food Labeling Trends on Sustainability

Recently, sustainability has been the motive behind some new movements and legislations. Sustainability in the food industry includes various different aspects, and in this newsletter, we will explore two prevalent food labeling regulations trends that focus on food waste and plastic circular practices of foreign countries, particularly the EU and Korea. We would like to… more »

“Fair Trade Conference for Olive Oils” newly established and its Code added to Fair Competition Codes (Japan)

The Code for the labeling of “Extra virgin olive oils” was approved to be included in Fair Competition Codes on February 17, 2023, and a public notice was issued on March 22, 2023, pursuant to Paragraph 4 of the same Article. Background According to the international standards of the International Olive Council (hereinafter referred to… more »

Draft guidance for appropriate labeling of plant-based milk alternatives issued (U.S.)

Note: This article is related to a foreign regulation (United States of America). For more articles regarding Japanese regulations please refer to our newsletter page. On February 22, 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued the draft guidance to ensure appropriate labeling of plant-based milk alternatives (PBMA) sold as substitutes for milk and… more »

Mandatory allergen labeling for walnuts and others:“Food Labeling Standards”, ”Regarding Food Labeling Standards”, ”Food Labeling Standards Q&A” Revised (Japan)

On March 9, 2023, the Consumer Affairs Agency(CAA) announced revisions to “Food Labeling Standards”, “Regarding Food Labeling Standards”, and “Food Labeling Standards Q&A”. The main revisions include the mandatory labeling of allergens for walnuts and the addition of rapeseed producing EPA / DHA* to the list of specified genetically modified agricultural products**. In this article,… more »